The new uniform, which will be worn from 2016 by around 3,500 “red uniform wearers” at the Austrian stations (airports) and on board, was designed by the Austrian designer Marina Hoermanseder. She prevailed among several top designers from Austria with the best concept. Hoermanseder was born in Vienna, she has been working and living in Berlin for several years. Her fashion stands for distinctive individualism and combines technical sophistication with exalted, elegant design. According to the designer, the strong red should continue to be part of the Austrian Airlines uniform. Whether the red color of the shoes and stockings will stay the same will be decided by the red uniform wearers by vote over the next four weeks. “Creating the design for the uniform for Austrian Airlines was a very exciting task for me and, as an Austrian, I was particularly pleased. I absolutely wanted to keep the strong red of Austrian Airlines, it gives the crew members a strong appearance, ”designer Marina Hoermanseder says.
Austrian Airlines employs a total of around 6,000 people, 3,500 of whom wear the red uniform. In addition to the logistical challenge, the quality of the materials plays a decisive role. Every part of the uniform is subjected to washing and wearing tests as well as being tested in the laboratory before it is introduced. A dedicated working group will accompany the introduction of the new uniform and play an important role in this. “Our employees are Austrian Airlines' calling cards. With the unmistakable uniform they are recognized at all airports around the world. I look forward to further development and the new, modern design. In 2014 alone we issued over 51,000 red uniform parts and accessories to our employees, ”says Amir Aghamiri, Head of Brand Management at Austrian Airlines. Austrian Airlines is Austria's largest airline and operates a global route network of around 130 destinations. In Central and Eastern Europe, the route network is particularly dense with 40 destinations. Thanks to its favorable geographical location in the heart of Europe, the home airport of Vienna is an ideal hub between East and West. Austrian Airlines is part of the Lufthansa Group, the largest airline group in Europe, and a member of the Star Alliance, the first global group of international airlines. The flight operations of the Austrian Airlines Group have been bundled in the 100% subsidiary Tyrolean since July 1, 2012.